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ActiV8 – Fitness Tracker

Original price was: $178.00.Current price is: $89.00.

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Are you trying to lead a more active lifestyle? Are you concerned that you’re not getting enough exercise, or eager to track the improvements your current activity schedule is having on your health and wellbeing? For many people, keeping track of how much exercise they’ve done, as well as measuring progress, can…

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Could a Fitness Tracker Boost You Life Quality?

ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker

Do you want to live a more active life? Do you worry about your physical activity level?

It can be difficult for many to keep track of their exercise and measure their progress. It’s easy to forget to do the exercise you need to be healthy. A fitness tracker is a great choice in such situations.

  • Heart-Rate & Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Full Color Screen
  • Real Time Phone Notification Alerts
  • IP67 Waterproof Design
  • Sleep Quality Tracking & Sedentary Reminder
  • Easy USB charging

ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker

Introduce the ActiV8 Fitness Tracker

The designed to simplify your wellness journey, the ActiV8 Activity tracker includes a variety of features that collect information about your activity levels. The wristband is lightweight and easy to use, and features advanced technology as well as a variety of data-gathering tools and interpreters. The wristband is stylish, unisex, and attractive. It is also extremely practical. This smartwatch is suitable for 24/7 use. It can be used to track your sleep, exercise, and adjust your weight loss program. A growing number of people are choosing to track their health and fitness with a fitness tracker.

ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker

You can track up to 14 activities

The majority of people participate in many different activities, including running, walking, and even racket or team sports. This tracker lets you collect data about each activity. The data is collected via the wristband. You can access detailed analysis through the VeryfitPro App.

ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker

Monitor your heart rate and calories burned.

The are more than just a step counter. ActiV8 This wristband provides all the information you need in order to make informed decisions about your exercise routine. The wristband tracks calories burned, heart rate and distance covered. It also records steps taken, sleep, and other data. The data can be used to track your daily progress, as well as long-term trends. You can track your progress and make adjustments to improve your fitness. The information is easy to read and understand.

ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker

Make the most of this offer VeryfitPro App

Access to the VeryfitPro App could be a plus. The App allows you to upload information to the tracker. This allows for longer-term trends to be accessed to see how statistics have changed. The app is available in both Android & Apple formats.

ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker

Alarm system for sleep and tracking of auto sleep

Research has shown that frequency of activity is as important for health as the intensity. Studies have shown that sitting for too long can lead to serious health problems. The built-in sedentary alarm will remind you when your screen is inactive, so you can make sure you don’t forget to move. Automatic sleep tracking is an important part of any healthy lifestyle.

ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker

Reminders and automatic notifications

For many, forgetting to get enough exercise is a barrier to their fitness. The automatic notification feature of the wristband generates texts and other alerts to let them know when it’s time for you to prioritize your health. Alerts can be tailored to your schedule and are a great way to stay on track.

ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker

Waterproof, hardwearing design

Even if you aren’t engaged in high-risk pursuits, it’s important that your fitness tracker is durable enough to withstand everyday life, whether at work, on the road or at home. The ActiV8 The durable and tough construction makes it suitable for use in the rain or while at the gym. The device is not completely waterproof. You can’t swim or shower while wearing your activity tracker.

ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker

USB Plug Integral

The tracker, like all other devices, requires periodic charging in order to stay functional. This tracker, unlike some other devices which require a led, comes with an integrated USB plug. It can be plugged directly into a computer or similar device without the need for a lead.

ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker

Who is the ActiV8 Fitness Tracker For?

Anybody who is interested in maintaining their health & well-being is going to find this activity tracker of benefit. You can customize it to your needs so it is useful for both athletes looking to push their limits and those who are simply trying to improve their health by getting regular, moderate exercise. It’s a great tool for anyone who wants to track progress towards their fitness goals.

ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker
ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker
ActiV8 - Fitness Tracker

Select the ActiV8 tracker It will make a huge difference in your life.

People are often surprised at how much activity they have, or lack thereof, once they begin using reliable tracking devices to continuously capture data. The tracker can be gifted to anyone who is interested in helping them with their fitness journey. ActiV8 This fitness tracker could make a great investment. To reap the benefits, order your fitness tracker today.

Where can I purchase the ActiV8?

The ActiV8 is available for a limited time only, with exclusive offers and free shipping. Ordering is quick and easy, so take advantage of the great price by ordering yours today.

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$89 $178
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